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If urgent call

0800 123 1234

(if risk of serious injury or major damage to property)

Tips for reductin condensation

  • Cover pans when cooking

  • Hang clothes washing outside to dry

  • Avoid using paraffin heaters - oneo f the main causes of condensation

  • Keep bathroom and kitchen doors shut when you are using them

  • Don't completely draught-proof rooms with condensation

  • Keep the doors shut tp cold rooms

  • Keep a small window ajar or a trickle ventilatior open in each occupied room. (But don't forget to shut windows when you go out.)

  • Heating can help but:

    • Only if you use the other suggestions as well

    • It is ‘dry heat’ like central heating or gas fires, not paraffin or portable gas heaters

    • You heat your home at a low level for a long time instead of briefly now and then

  • Put up curtains or blinds as these trap heat and warm up the window glass

If urgent call

0800 123 1234

(if risk of serious injury or major damage to property)